Analisis Perbandingan Taubat Adam Menurut Perspektif Islam dan Yahudi
Comparative Analysis of Adam’s Repentance According to Islam and Judaism Perspectives
Prophet’s infallibility, Impeccable, Forbidden fruit, Semitic religion, Kemaksuman nabi, Ismah, Buah khuldi, Agama semitikAbstract
The Judaism and Islamic conceptions of repentance are nearly identical. The Quran and Torah mention the story of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden tree. Some Islamic scholars criticise the text of the Torah that exists today for the narrative style that portrays it as if Adam never repented of the act. Therefore, this research paper aims to identify Jewish scholars' position regarding Adam’s repentance. The first objective is to identify the recognition of Adam’s prophethood according to Islam and Judaism. The second objective is to identify the conviction of sin against Adam’s actions according to Islam and Judaism. According to Islam and Judaism, the third objective is to identify the certainty of Adam’s repentance. This research is a literary study, drawing information from the works of Islamic and Jewish scholars who have interpreted the story. A question was also asked to a contemporary Jewish scholar, Ben Abrahamson, who studies Islam. The results found that, first, Islam recognises Adam’s prophethood except for some contemporary scholars who deny it. However, for Judaism, it is not clearly stated that some Jewish scholars recognised Adam as a prophet. Second, Islam and Judaism admit that Adam sinned in that regard. Third, the Quran clearly says Adam repented, while the Torah does not. However, according to the oral tradition of Jewish scholars, Adam did repent through actions by immersing himself in the Gihon River for 130 years to atone for his sins.
Konsep taubat Yahudi hampir sama dengan Islam. Al-Quran dan Taurat ada menyebutkan kisah Adam dan Hawa memakan pohon terlarang. Beberapa sarjana Islam mengkritik teks Taurat yang wujud sekarang ini terhadap gaya penceritaannya yang menggambarkan seolah-olah Adam tidak pernah bertaubat daripada perbuatan tersebut. Oleh itu, tujuan kertas kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti pendirian sarjana Yahudi berkenaan taubat Adam. Objektif pertama, mengenal pasti penetapan kenabian Adam menurut Islam dan Yahudi. Objektif kedua, mengenal pasti penentuan dosa terhadap perbuatan Adam menurut Islam dan Yahudi. Objektif ketiga, mengenal pasti pengiktirafan taubatnya Adam menurut Islam dan Yahudi. Kajian ini bersifat kajian kepustakaan, maklumat dikumpulkan daripada kitab-kitab sarjana Islam dan Yahudi yang mentafsirkan kisah tersebut. Soalan juga ada dikemukakan kepada tokoh sarjana Yahudi kontemporari yang mengkaji Islam, iaitu Ben Abrahamson. Hasil dapatan mendapati, pertama, agama Islam mengakui kenabian Adam kecuali sebahagian sarjana kontemporari yang menafikannya. Manakala bagi agama Yahudi tidak dinyatakan secara jelas, tetapi terdapat sarjana Yahudi yang menyabit kenabian Adam. Kedua, agama Islam dan Yahudi mengakui Adam berdosa dalam hal tersebut. Ketiga, al-Quran dengan jelas mengatakan Adam bertaubat, manakala Taurat tidak menyatakannya. Tetapi menurut riwayat sarjana Yahudi, Adam memang bertaubat melalui perbuatan dengan cara merendamkan diri di dalam Sungai Gihon selama 130 tahun untuk menebus dosanya.
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