Pengurusan Masa Menurut Perspektif Almarhum Tuan Guru Haji Nik Abdul Aziz: Kajian Terhadap Pentafsiran Surah al-‘Asr

Time Management According to the Perspective of the Late Tuan Guru Haji Nik Abdul Aziz: A Study of the Interpretation of Surah al-'Asr


  • Abdul Azib Hussain Department of Syariah, Ismail Petra International Islamic College University, 15730, Kelantan, Malaysia (KIAS)
  • Khairulnazrin Nasir Department of Usuluddin, Ismail Petra International Islamic College University, 15730, Kelantan, Malaysia (KIAS)
  • Rahim Kamarul Zaman Department of Usuluddin, Ismail Petra International Islamic College University, 15730, Kelantan, Malaysia (KIAS)
  • Hamidi Abdul Ghani Department of Syariah, Ismail Petra International Islamic College University, 15730, Kelantan, Malaysia (KIAS)


Time management, Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, mas'uliyyah, ubudiyyah, itqan, pengurusan masa


Emphasising time management is crucial for anyone aspiring to be successful. Most of the influential and successful figures in his life have a good time management culture. Among them is the late Dato' Bentara Setia Tuan Guru Haji Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat. He was a former Menteri Besar, a scholar, politician, and preacher who was very influential in the archipelago. His name was also engraved in the book '50 Islamic Figures Influential in the World'. His busyness was not an excuse for him to educate the community through knowledge. During his lifetime, he frequently delivered his lectures every Friday morning. Among them, he talked about time management through the interpretation of Surah al-'Asr. His perspective on time management in the surah was an interesting secret to explore. Therefore, this study aims to discuss time management according to the perspective of the late Tuan Guru Haji Nik Abdul Aziz in regard to his interpretation of Surah al-'Asr. This study uses documentation and content analysis methods. The researchers obtained the research data from books written about him, previous research conducted on him, and video recordings of Tuan Guru's lectures and documentaries related to his life. The results of the study found that time management, according to the deceased's perspective, is based on the four criteria mentioned in Surah al-'Asr, namely: [a] The believer; [b] Do good deeds; [c] Message each other with truth, and; [d] Message each other with patience. This is the nature of successful people in this world and in the hereafter. In addition, he also made the principles of mas'uliah, ubudiah and itqan a practice in administration to meet the success criteria. These four criteria and three general principles are suitable as ideas and guides for current and future generations of Muslims.

Pengurusan masa merupakan antara perkara penting yang perlu dititik beratkan dalam kehidupan seseorang yang ingin berjaya. Kebanyakan tokoh berpengaruh dan berjaya dalam hidup mempunyai budaya pengurusan masa yang baik. Antaranya ialah Almarhum Dato’ Bentara Setia Tuan Guru Haji Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat. Beliau merupakan bekas Menteri Besar, seorang ulama, ahli politik dan pendakwah yang sangat berpengaruh di alam Nusantara. Namanya juga pernah terpahat di dalam buku ‘50 Tokoh Islam Berpengaruh di Dunia’. Kesibukannya tidak menjadi alasan untuk beliau mendidik masyarakat melalui ilmu. Beliau sentiasa menyampaikan kuliah pada setiap pagi Jumaat. Antaranya, beliau membicarakan tentang pengurusan masa dalam tafsir surah al-‘Asr. Bagaimana perspektif beliau mengenai pengurusan masa dalam surah tersebut adalah suatu rahsia yang menarik untuk diterokai. Oleh itu kajian ini bertujuan membincangkan pengurusan masa menurut perspektif Almarhum Tuan Guru Haji Nik Abdul Aziz mengenai pentafsirannya terhadap surah al-‘Asr. Kajian ini menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan analisis kandungan. Data-data kajian diperolehi daripada buku-buku tulisan mengenai beliau, hasil penyelidikan yang pernah dilakukan ke atas beliau serta rakaman video kuliah Tuan Guru dan dokumentari berkaitan kehidupannya. Hasil kajian mendapati pengurusan masa menurut perspektif Almarhum adalah berdasarkan empat kriteria yang disebutkan dalam surah al-‘Asr iaitu: [a] Beriman; [b] Beramal soleh; [c] Berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran, dan; [d] Berpesan-pesan dengan kesabaran. Inilah sifat orang yang berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat. Di samping itu, beliau juga menjadikan prinsip mas’uliah, ubudiah dan itqan sebagai amalan dalam pentadbiran bagi memenuhi kriteria kejayaan. Empat kriteria dan tiga prinsip umum ini sesuai dijadikan gagasan dan panduan buat generasi umat Islam zaman sekarang dan akan datang.


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How to Cite

Abdul Azib Hussain, Khairulnazrin Nasir, Rahim Kamarul Zaman, & Hamidi Abdul Ghani. (2023). Pengurusan Masa Menurut Perspektif Almarhum Tuan Guru Haji Nik Abdul Aziz: Kajian Terhadap Pentafsiran Surah al-‘Asr: Time Management According to the Perspective of the Late Tuan Guru Haji Nik Abdul Aziz: A Study of the Interpretation of Surah al-’Asr. RABBANICA - Journal of Revealed Knowledge, 4(2), 1-16. Retrieved from