Analisis Perbandingan Antara Tafsir Al-Qurtubi Dan Al-Zamakhsyari Terhadap Pentafsiran Ayat ke-59 Surah Al-Ahzāb

Comparison Between Tafsir Al-Zamakhsyari And Al-Qurtubi Regarding The Interpretation Of Verse 59 Of Surah Al-Ahzāb


  • Ikmal Adnan Department Al-Quran and Hadis, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Sultan Ismail Petra International Islamic University College, 15730, Malaysia (KIAS)
  • Khairulnazrin Nasir Department Usuluddin, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Sultan Ismail Petra International Islamic University College, 15730, Malaysia (KIAS)
  • Rahim Kamarul Zaman Department Usuluddin, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Sultan Ismail Petra International Islamic University College, 15730, Malaysia (KIAS)
  • Ahmad Asraff Ismail Department Al-Quran and Hadis, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Sultan Ismail Petra International Islamic University College, 15730, Malaysia (KIAS)


Tafsir,, al-Zamakhsyari, al-Qurtubi, hijab’s verse, Surah al-Ahzab, ayat hijab


The history of interpretation of the Qur'an has started since the time of the Prophet SAW. The process of its development happened so rapidly that there were many famous scholars who produced works in the interpretation of the Qur'an. Along with its progress, there are two forms of interpretation of the Qur'an, namely Tafsīr bi al-Ma'thūr and Tafsīr bi al-Ra'yi. There are many figures who use the method of Tafsīr bi al-Ra'yi, among them is the work of Abu Qasim Mahmud bin Umar al-Zamakhsyari (d. 538H) known as Tafsir al-Kasysyāf and the work of Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Abi Bakr al -Qurtubi (d. 671H) known as Tafsir al-Qurtubi. Therefore, this article aims to conduct a comparative study between the interpretation methods by al-Zamakhsyari and al-Qurtubi, especially regarding verse 59 of surah al-Ahzāb. This study uses a qualitative approach through the literature review theme. Data collection is from documentation sources such as thesis, dissertations and scholarly articles. While the form of data analysis applied is descriptive and comparative. The results of the analysis show that the methods used by al-Zamakhsyari and al-Qurtubi are different in the form of arrangement, discussion topics and explanations. In conclusion, the study related to the comparison of interpretation methods among scholars of interpretation needs to be expanded to identify the best method in understanding the holy verses of the Quran.

Sejarah tafsir al-Quran telah bermula sejak pada zaman Rasulullah SAW. Proses perkembangannya berlaku dengan pesat sehingga wujud ramai tokoh ulama yang telah berjaya menulis karya dalam tafsir al-Quran. Seiring perkembangannya, lahir dua jenis pentafsiran al-Quran iaitu Tafsir bi al-Ma’thur dan Tafsir bi al-Ra’yi. Ramai tokoh yang telah menerapkan kaedah Tafsīr bi al-Ra’yi yang berasaskan pandangan dalam penulisan mereka walaupun mempunyai aliran pemikiran akidah yang berbeza. Antaranya kitab tafsir yang terkenal hasil tulisan Abu al-Qasim Mahmud bin Umar al-Zamakhsyari (m. 538H) yang dikenali sebagai Tafsir al-Kasysyaf serta karangan  daripada Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Abi Bakr al-Qurtubi (m. 671H) yang dikenali sebagai Tafsir al-Qurtubi. Justeru artikel ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian perbandingan antara bentuk dan kaedah pentafsiran oleh al-Zamakhsyari dan al-Qurtubi khususnya terhadap ayat yang ke-59 surah al-Ahzab. Kajian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan secara kualitatif melalui kajian kepustakaan. Himpunan data pula adalah bersumberkan dokumentasi seperti tesis, disertasi serta artikel ilmiah. Kaedah analisis data yang digunakan adalah berbentuk deskriptif dan perbandingan secara komparatif. Dapatan analisis memperlihatkan bahawa kaedah yang digunakan oleh al-Zamakhsyari dan al-Qurtubi adalah berlainan mengikut bentuk susunan pentafsiran, topik perbahasan dan penjelasan. Kesimpulannya, kajian berkaitan perbandingan kaedah pentafsiran dalam kalangan tokoh ilmuwan tafsir perlu diperluaskan bagi mengenal pasti kaedah yang terbaik bagi memahami ayat-ayat suci al-Quran.


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How to Cite

Ikmal Adnan, Khairulnazrin Nasir, Rahim Kamarul Zaman, & Ahmad Asraff Ismail. (2023). Analisis Perbandingan Antara Tafsir Al-Qurtubi Dan Al-Zamakhsyari Terhadap Pentafsiran Ayat ke-59 Surah Al-Ahzāb: Comparison Between Tafsir Al-Zamakhsyari And Al-Qurtubi Regarding The Interpretation Of Verse 59 Of Surah Al-Ahzāb. RABBANICA - Journal of Revealed Knowledge, 4(2), 159-177. Retrieved from