ABDUL AZIB HUSSAIN; KHAIRULNAZRIN NASIR; RAHIM KAMARUL ZAMAN; HAMIDI ABDUL GHANI. Pengurusan Masa Menurut Perspektif Almarhum Tuan Guru Haji Nik Abdul Aziz: Kajian Terhadap Pentafsiran Surah al-‘Asr: Time Management According to the Perspective of the Late Tuan Guru Haji Nik Abdul Aziz: A Study of the Interpretation of Surah al-’Asr. RABBANICA - Journal of Revealed Knowledge, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 1-16, 2023. Disponível em: http://ejournals.kias.edu.my/index.php/rabbanica/article/view/285. Acesso em: 1 jan. 2025.